

Welcome to my website! I am V S Nelson, author of peculiar stories for middle grade and young adult readers. I work as a theoretical physicist and live in the historic city of Winchester with my other half, two children and three cats. I am an avid reader of anything science fiction and a little strange, lover of Lego and huge fan of 90s bands fronted by angry women. In my spare time I volunteer with a youth organisation and write the stories you can learn about on this website.

So what’s the point of a website?

I want you to buy my books!

OK, it’s more than that. While I do want this website to become a hub for my writing, I also want it be a resource for other would-be self-published authors. My intention is to write blogs that contain all the data required to help other aspiring authors navigate the midfield of self-publication.

I will tell you:

  • My opinion on the values of the different aspects of the self-publication process (editing/printing/marketing)
  • How much everything costs
  • How many books I have sold
  • All about where I have failed
  • About any other pertinent data you may require (just ask!)

As a scientist, I can promise you there will be graphs! If you’re lucky, there may even be some Python.

One thing I’ve noticed with self-publishing is that it is easy to fail/produce crap/lose a lot of money. My intention here to be completely honest with you and tell you exactly where I have failed, or done something I’ve regretted or lost money (spoiler – I’ve definitely lost money, but more on that later.)

If there is are any topics you would like me to write a blog on, or any data you require, you can always reach me at vsnelson0@gmail.com.

You can also find on Twitter @KOButtons